Senin, 28 Maret 2011

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About ZedWars

Two friends met up one night. One known as Syntax Error, and the other known as Jason. Syntax told Jason, "I'm fed up with playing this other game I play because it keeps getting hacked and the staff over there never listen to any of the players"... "I would like to have my own version of a RPG game". Jason replied, "It would be very hard because there is a lot of variables to account for in a game of that scale"...

Later on... It was a very hot day... while they were both working on the roof top. Syntax tells Jason, "there has to be another way to earn a living besides this kind of work... I'm tired of being hot all the time, I will end up having a heat stroke!". Jason finally gave in and replied, "you know, lets create that game, it might one day get us off the roof tops in the hot summer".

After that very day, Jason and Syntax have put in every extra bit of free time, resources, and money into creating this game.

11 months afterward, the game was released in beta version. Jason and Syntax were working up new ideas all the time, as well as taking suggestions from players they rounded up. Turning the mere idea into reality to produce what we today call ZedWars.

About Jason:
Jason has been programming PHP/MySQL since 1995, this was one of his many hobbies. He went to college as a computer IT Specialist. Never finished though. Jason has always worked as a manager either for a store or food company. He then was a self employed contractor. Jason has excellent skills in management and customer service.

About Syntax:
Syntax was good at playing games. He was even staff on another game once before. He took the skills he learned as a gaming master, and brought it here. Syntax has excellent skills with running rpg games.

Goals of Zedwars

Our goals are very simple.

We want to be the number one rpg game to play. We plan to do this by listening to our players, taking into account their feedback and suggestions in order to produce the best results possible.

However we are financially limited. As we do not have investors to back us, the complete game outcome is determined by it population and donations. Donations are used for in this order; Maintain the game and servers, Improvement costs, and pay the developers for their time and efforts.


Story of Zedwars

No one knows what happened first but suddenly the world was completely different...

Society was gone, the government was gone, everything was gone. This is when you find yourself
fighting for your life against creatures that rule the mainland. While searching in desperate need for a place to hide, you come across an old book... A child's attempt at a cry for help. Inside you find a map... it shows the path to safety. It shows the path to an island. As you begin your journey you find other survivors. As you talk to them you find that they are just as bewildered as yourself.

So together, you all set out...

Heading for the only stitch of hope that you could find the island that was said to be safe� Untouched by the creatures known to be zombies...
After an immeasurable time at sea you found yourselves starving... dying of thirst ...

Night came and with it sleep.

You open your eyes - it's bright. The hot sun makes it hard to see.

As your eyes adjust, you realize you're not on the boat anymore, the storm must have made it sink.

You slowly stand and look around. You see miles and miles of sand dunes. Your clothes are tattered, your lips are chapped, your body weak.

You focus hard and see wreckage from what you assume must have been your boat.

You search the wreckage and find items to use as crude weapons, an ore, old pair of boots, and a shirt 4 times too big for you.

As you look around you wonder where the other shipmates are.

You decide the only thing left to do is walk and find out what this island has to offer.

You walk East. It seems like an endless walk, days must have gone by, you're weaker than before and you're about to give up...

But wait!

What is that in the distance, it looks like people?

Can it really be? What are they doing staring out to sea, but at what? Can it really be are they watching boats race?

Then out of nowhere you hear a cry,

"Look there is another one over there!"

A young man points at you and others rush toward you. What are you to do? Fight? Run? Or pass out from the exhaustion you are feeling?

Before you can decide, they are on you! They welcome you, hand you food.

You notice they wear clothes with different markings. Some are the same. You wonder, is this a Gang?

One says to you welcome home survivor, this is our town known as Zedwars.

Here you can be safe to live in the city of ZedWars.

You can battle other players, join and build gangs, search the sea for food, riches and rare treasures such as pearls.

You can search abandon houses for cash, race boats, and much much more...

You have found the lost island of ZedWars, welcome aboard.

The only advice we have for you is pick your path wisely.
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