Senin, 28 Maret 2011

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Server Rates
Experience: 200x Gathering: 200x
Drop: 75x Crafting: 200x
Quest: 50x Abyss Points: 10x
Kinah: 100x

Server Features

Aion client version 2.1.0.x full support.
Credit System
Vote Reward
Daily Events and Support by Gamemasters
Best High Rate PVP with 3,000+ Players
Alliance and Group system
Full items support, equipements, potions, food, stones, etc.
Max level 55
Player stats retail like with Balanced PvP
Drop and loot system from monsters.
Normal & Flight Teleport.
Player name, legion, face, gender change.
Player friend and duel system.
Spawn protection.
Different skill types: damage/heal/DOT/HOT/buff/debuff/transforms/traps/mantras
Items stats attributes, attack, defense, boosts, etc.
Quests engine with campaign quests, group drop distribution for quests.
Manastone socketing and bonuses.
Rifts system.
Channels, Instances and Crafting support.
Gathering process and gather skill level up.
Godstone socketing and effects.
Private shops.
Zone manager with drowning/breath area working.
Summons and servants.
Trader Broker
Item Remodeler
Player command //givemissingskills //gmlist //dye //movie //npcinfo
World Chat commands .ely .asmo
And alot more...

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Universe Wars


You are not logged in. If you do not have an account go and register - it only takes 20 seconds.

Join A Round
A round is one universe. At any one time more than one round can be running with different game types and durations. Click "Join" under the one you'd like to play and enter an empire name. You can join as many rounds as you like!

Game Play
You start off as a small village with some workers, land and a small amount of resources to get started. You'll need to explore, build, research, spy and attack to eventually have the most powerful and valueable empire in the universe. All you need to play is an Internet connection and a web browser.

Tutorial / The Basics

Everything you do will work on a scale of "ticks". A tick in a normal game type takes 15 minutes which means if a building takes 3 ticks to build it will take 45 minutes. These are used for everything from exploring, constructing, researching, training military and attacking. You can get faster ticks buy applying a "PLUS" key which will make tick 10 minutes.

Your empire worth is a calculation based on many metrics such as the buildings you have. In the "Domination" game type empires are ranked using this value.

Tutorial / Resources

  • Land Land: For building on
  • Population Population: Can be made into workers and required for military units
  • Food Food: To feed your population, workers and to train units
  • Wood Wood: Required by nearly all buildings
  • Gold Gold: Used for nearly everything from training workers, constructing, exploring and military units.
  • Iron Iron: Required by nearly all buildings
  • Oil Oil: Used to build tanks and aircraft
  • Knowledge Knowledge: Used to research new technologies
  • Tokens: Each token simulates a tick for just your empire 

Tutorial / Navigation

Once you enter a round you'll see a new interface.

Top Menu

1. My Empire: Displays a summary of your empire.
2. Explore: If you need more land you're going to have to explore.
3. Construct: Used to build/demolish buildings.
4. Research: Advance your empire by researching new technologies.
5. Military: Train and build units here. Also used to send attacks and spy missions.
6. Market: Buy and sell resources with the market.
7. Galaxy: Shows all other commanders on the same planet. Can navigate to any coordinates in the universe to find targets or allies.
8. PLUS: Gives more information on becoming a PLUS player.

Left Side Menu

Create an alliance or enter your alliance
Round discussion forums.
Real time chat with other online commanders
Search for a friend, enemy or a target
Shows the current round rankings
Exit back to the main control panel (called "orbit")

Tutorial / What do I do first?

When you join a round your empire will be under "newbie protection" for 5 days. In this time your empire can not be attacked so make good use of the time! re

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About ZedWars

Two friends met up one night. One known as Syntax Error, and the other known as Jason. Syntax told Jason, "I'm fed up with playing this other game I play because it keeps getting hacked and the staff over there never listen to any of the players"... "I would like to have my own version of a RPG game". Jason replied, "It would be very hard because there is a lot of variables to account for in a game of that scale"...

Later on... It was a very hot day... while they were both working on the roof top. Syntax tells Jason, "there has to be another way to earn a living besides this kind of work... I'm tired of being hot all the time, I will end up having a heat stroke!". Jason finally gave in and replied, "you know, lets create that game, it might one day get us off the roof tops in the hot summer".

After that very day, Jason and Syntax have put in every extra bit of free time, resources, and money into creating this game.

11 months afterward, the game was released in beta version. Jason and Syntax were working up new ideas all the time, as well as taking suggestions from players they rounded up. Turning the mere idea into reality to produce what we today call ZedWars.

About Jason:
Jason has been programming PHP/MySQL since 1995, this was one of his many hobbies. He went to college as a computer IT Specialist. Never finished though. Jason has always worked as a manager either for a store or food company. He then was a self employed contractor. Jason has excellent skills in management and customer service.

About Syntax:
Syntax was good at playing games. He was even staff on another game once before. He took the skills he learned as a gaming master, and brought it here. Syntax has excellent skills with running rpg games.

Goals of Zedwars

Our goals are very simple.

We want to be the number one rpg game to play. We plan to do this by listening to our players, taking into account their feedback and suggestions in order to produce the best results possible.

However we are financially limited. As we do not have investors to back us, the complete game outcome is determined by it population and donations. Donations are used for in this order; Maintain the game and servers, Improvement costs, and pay the developers for their time and efforts.


Story of Zedwars

No one knows what happened first but suddenly the world was completely different...

Society was gone, the government was gone, everything was gone. This is when you find yourself
fighting for your life against creatures that rule the mainland. While searching in desperate need for a place to hide, you come across an old book... A child's attempt at a cry for help. Inside you find a map... it shows the path to safety. It shows the path to an island. As you begin your journey you find other survivors. As you talk to them you find that they are just as bewildered as yourself.

So together, you all set out...

Heading for the only stitch of hope that you could find the island that was said to be safe� Untouched by the creatures known to be zombies...
After an immeasurable time at sea you found yourselves starving... dying of thirst ...

Night came and with it sleep.

You open your eyes - it's bright. The hot sun makes it hard to see.

As your eyes adjust, you realize you're not on the boat anymore, the storm must have made it sink.

You slowly stand and look around. You see miles and miles of sand dunes. Your clothes are tattered, your lips are chapped, your body weak.

You focus hard and see wreckage from what you assume must have been your boat.

You search the wreckage and find items to use as crude weapons, an ore, old pair of boots, and a shirt 4 times too big for you.

As you look around you wonder where the other shipmates are.

You decide the only thing left to do is walk and find out what this island has to offer.

You walk East. It seems like an endless walk, days must have gone by, you're weaker than before and you're about to give up...

But wait!

What is that in the distance, it looks like people?

Can it really be? What are they doing staring out to sea, but at what? Can it really be are they watching boats race?

Then out of nowhere you hear a cry,

"Look there is another one over there!"

A young man points at you and others rush toward you. What are you to do? Fight? Run? Or pass out from the exhaustion you are feeling?

Before you can decide, they are on you! They welcome you, hand you food.

You notice they wear clothes with different markings. Some are the same. You wonder, is this a Gang?

One says to you welcome home survivor, this is our town known as Zedwars.

Here you can be safe to live in the city of ZedWars.

You can battle other players, join and build gangs, search the sea for food, riches and rare treasures such as pearls.

You can search abandon houses for cash, race boats, and much much more...

You have found the lost island of ZedWars, welcome aboard.

The only advice we have for you is pick your path wisely.
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Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

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Sejarah Saphael

"Pulihkan kekuatan Sprite dan buat Saphael kembali damai!"

Sejak awal terbentuknya, bumi selalu dijaga oleh kekuatan Sprite agar tetap seimbang. Menurut legenda, saat masa kuno, sebelum Saphael terbagi menjadi suku dan faksi yang saling bersaing, seluruh manusia bisa berinteraksi dengan Sprite, makhluk hidup mistis yang memiliki ilmu sihir. Pada masa itu, manusia hidup harmonis bersama alam, dan Sprite tersebar di seluruh dunia.
Sayangnya, masa damai ini tidak bertahan lama. Karena semua suku di Saphael mulai bersitegang dan memutuskan ikatan, maka ikatan manusia dengan Sprite juga perlahan memudar. Masing-masing suku ini kemudian berpencar ke seluruh penjuru dunia, dan membuat kediaman mereka masing-masing – menebang pohon, mengosongkan lahan, dan merambah ke pegunungan demi membangun kerajaan mereka masing-masing.
Karena dikuasai hasrat untuk mengontrol semua umat manusia, beberaoa faksi ini menjelajah jauh ke dalam bumu dimana mereka bisa mengungkap rahasia gelap dan kuno yang kemudian dapat mengancam keselamatan seluruh umat manusia. Mungkin inti dari semua bahaya ini terletak pada pemimpin jahat dan naga yang meneror penduduk Saphael dan membuat desa dan kota mereka sendiri dalam bahaya.

Sprite Messenger

Semua bisa saja punah jika tidak ada Sprite Messenger. Manusia langka dan menakjubkan ini dapat menjaga interaksi mereka dengan Sprite sementara manusia biasa tidak bisa. Para Sprite memberikan kekuatan sihirnya pada mereka supaya bisa melawan kekuatan jahat dan membantu mengembalikan dunia dalam keseimbangan. Seluruh Saphael dapat bersatu berkat adanya sekelompok manusia legendaries ini, mereka akan melawan kekuatan jahat yang dulu pernah mengancam dunia.
Namun, kedamaian itu hanya bersifat sementara. Berbagai faksi yang telah bersatu di bawah kepemimpinan Sprite Messenger perlahan kembali ke jalan mereka pribadi dan akhirnya perang antara satu sama lain. Yang lebih parahnya, bahkan Sprite Messenger juga terpengaruh. Banyak Sprite Messenger yang berpihak pada beberapa faksi tertentu, dan hanya beberapa yang bertahan dan tetap melawan kejahatan. Periode ini kemudian dikenal sebagai masa “Great Saphael War.”

Generasi Siwa Island

Walaupun Saphael kini hanya tinggal reruntuhan, namun ada secercah harapan yang bersinar dari pantai Siwa Island. Generasi penerus Sprite Messenger telah mulai dewasa dan hampir siap untuk meninggalkan pulau kampong halaman mereka. Apa mereka akan mengikuti jejak leluhur mereka dan membantu agar dunia kembali damai, atau mereka akan tidak tahan dan kemudian malah bersaing satu sama lain? Di sinilah ceritamu bermula.


Tentang Grand Fantasia

Grand Fantasia adalah game Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) gratis yang bertempat di dunia fantasi yang luas dan dirancang dengan sangat teliti. Grand Fantasia menawarkan fitur yang inovatif dan menarik, seperti: kostumisasi karakter dan Sprite, sistem kelas yang kompleks, Sprite yang bisa membuat armor dan senjata, hewan menarik yang bisa ditunggangi (Mount), pertarungan player-versus-player (PvP), pertarungan berbasis tim, dungeon yang menantang, wilayah epik dan World Boss, fitur patung karakter, papan bulletin game, rumah lelang (auction), sistem percintaan karakter, manajemen Guild dan perangkat komunikasi, dan berbagai misi yang berbeda (individu, Party, dan Guild) yang akan menghibur semua pemain dengan berbagai gaya permainan.

Fitur Game

Jelajahi Saphael, Dunia yang Penuh Keajaiban
Naikkan level karaktermu dengan menyelesaikan berbagai quest di setiap wilayah. Kumpulkan temanmu dan cobalah untuk menaklukan dungeon yang penuh tantangan. 
Sistem Class
Mulai petualanganmu sebagai Novice (pemula) dan lalu naikkan level sehingga kamu bisa memilih 4 pilihan kelas selanjutnya. Pilih kelas spesialisasi di Level 5, 15 dan 30 untuk bisa memilih dari total 8 kelas yang berbeda-beda. Spesialisasi selengkapnya tersedia di Alternate Advancement System! Untuk informasi class selengkapnya klik disini.
Rekan Sprite yang Bisa memakai kostum
Buat Sprite-mu sendiri untuk menemanimu menjelajahi dunia. Sprite ini akan mengumpulkan Raw Material untukmu dan bahkan bisa membuatkanmu senjata dan armor! Untuk informasi sprite selengkapnya klik disini.
Pahlawan terkenal tidak akan jalan kaki, mereka naik Mount yang penuh gaya. Pilih beragam Mount dengan persyaratan unik sehingga semua tipe pemain akan bisa mendapatkannya.
Rumah Lelang (Auction House)
Auction House, yang terletak di kota besar, merupakan tempat perantara untuk penjualan berbagai item. Penjual akan bisa memajang pengumuman tentang item yang ingin ia jual dan item-nya tidak akan terikat selama belum terjual. Pembeli akan bisa melihat semua item yang dijual dan tidak harus mencari-cari Merchant.
Pertarungan PvP yang Seru
Bersaing dalam duel 1 lawan 1 atau adu kehebatanmu dalam pertarungan 15 lawan 15.
Sistem Guild
Bentuk Guild yang bisa dikostumisasi peringkatnya, misi khusus Guild, dan bahkan ada Guild Skill jika Guild milikmu telah menjadi besar dan terkenal. Untuk informasi guild selengkapnya klik disini.
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Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh, also called Pooh Bear, is a fictional anthroporphic  bear created by A.A.Milne.  The first collection of stories about the character was the book Winnie the Pooh(1926), and this was followed by The House at Pooh Comer (1928). Milne also included a poem about the bear in the children’s verse book When We Were Very Young (1924) and many more in Now We Are Six (1927). All four volumes were illustrated by E.H.Shepard.
The hyphens in the character's name were later dropped when The Walt Disney Company adapted the Pooh stories into a series of features that became one of its most successful franchises.
The Pooh stories have been translated into many languages, including Alexander Lenard's Latin translation, Winnie ille Pu, which was first published in 1958, and, in 1960, became the only Latin book ever to have been featured on the New York Times Best Seller List. 
Since the 1970s, Pooh Bear has been voiced by three actors: Sterling Holloway, Hal Smith and Jim Cummings.


Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

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 Game Tour

Exoplanet War - Fight for Honor

You start your journey a small, non-developed colony on Planet Xenos which serves as your central base...needless to say this colony could do with some improvements.

Luckily for you then that you have several willing workers on hand who are waiting for your order to start building and upgrading structures that will prove to be the vital building blocks in creating your empire on Xenos.

Of course, no empire would be complete without a military and these units are waiting for your command and training in order to go forward and conquer the planet.

Can you utilize your men and be the ruler of the planet?

In this FAQ section we will give you some general ideas on how to get further. 

The first Step to Dominate

Energy is the most important aspect of the game and everything on the planet uses it including your various units and constructions.

Resources are needed to help you in your conquest and continuously upgrading your structures and ensuring your military are equipped with the latest and most powerful tech is essential for proving that colonies under your control are the strongest and most feared on the planet. 

The resources

  •  There are three common resources that are located across the entire planet, these are Metal, Gem and Aqueous In order to develop your colonies and units you will need to keep a steady supply of all three. Upgrade your resource factories in order to gain more resources from mining.

  • The mysterious Xeno: The most rare and sought after resource located on the planet is of course Xeno itself and with the use of Xeno, your colony can produce a tremendous amount of power in order to rapidly develop your colony.

Find Your Prey

All set?

Head out to the center of the map and explore Xenos to find a suitable prey and kill it!

Take a look at its population, it gives you an idea of how strong the prey is, and probably how plump it is! 

Utter Domination

We aren't here just to simply 'win'... we are here to achieve UTTER DOMINATION. In order to win a battle, you will need to pay special attention to the following:

Commander: A good leader of the team can boost morale as well as the overall fighting power of the army.

Army Formation: Don't underestimate the importance of your army's formation. When your army's strength is close to that of your enemy, the formation will be the decisive factor when determining the victor. 


Beginner's Guide on Exoplanet War


Exoplanet War is a totally free, browser-based MMORTS game which dosen't require any downloads in order to enjoy the game, as a result you can play the game anywhere anytime with thousands of real players.

Your journey in Exoplanet War begins with a small, non-developed base colony on the Planet Xeno and you must use your unique strategy, diplomacy, and wisdom to strengthen your colony and compete against your opponents. Fight for honor, survival or sheer domination in an ever expanding experience!

Welcome to Exoplanet War, this handy guide will help you to get further in your search across the deadly planet Xeno.
Upon starting your game for the first time, your instructor will give you a brief but helpful tutorial where you will be introduced to some of the many features you'll be coming across in Exoplanet War.

To help you in your journey we also have given you a welcome gift of 50 FREE Credits and a 3 Simultaneous Construction perk, which last for 3 days when you complete the tutorial.
After you complete the tutorial, there will be a multitude of missions that you can embark on that will reward you with extra resources by completing them.

The following paragraph is a list of important things about Exoplanet War that can help you understand the basics:

1. 72-hour combat protection period

As a way of protecting our new players, a 72-hour combat protection period will be automatically activated when you first create your account.

During this period of time, you cannot be attacked by other players, but at the same time this combat protection prevents you from launching an attack on rival players. If you wish, you can also cancel this protection by accessing the user settings page and clicking discard on the 'Protection' option. However, we STRONGLY DO NOT RECOMMEND this unless you are seriously ready for the battles you will face.

2. Upgrading Buidlings

To upgrade a building, click the building you wish to upgrade and then click the upgrade button.
If there are building shadows on your map, it means the buildings are unlocked but have not been built yet. In order to access the building's function you must build the structure first.

If you can't find a building or building shadow on your map, it means that the particular building is still locked and you may need to upgrade the main base to unlock it.

3. Missions

When you have completed a mission, the mission button at the top of your screen will flash to indicate that the objective has been completed and that you can now claim your reward. Be sure to make use of these rewards to further develop your colony or to train units and recruit heroes.

4. Need more Energy?

The following actions can help you to obtain the energy you desperately need to be successful.

a. Upgrade your Geothermal Power and Radiation Reactor
b. Train more satellites (you can do this in the Air Fleet Core (For Gaians) / Aviation Hub (For Zubens) / Exos Spires (For Neckrons).
c. Research the Energy Technology under Colony Research in Research Lab

Note: Armies stationed outside your colony require more energy to sustain than those inside your colonies. Use your energy wisely and only have your army garrisoned in other colony when it is essential.

5. Running out of Energy already?

Then it's time to use Xeno Assimilator!

6. Xeno Assimilator

The Assimilator consumes Xeno to produce Energy and like other structures you can increase its efficiency by upgrading it or researching the Xeno technology under the 'Energy Technology' menu in the Research Lab. However, be careful not to use up all your Xeno in the process. To counter this you can upgrade the Xeno Extractor to increase the Xeno Production.

7. Earning resources:

a. Build and upgrade your Metal Mines, Gem Miner, Aqueous Rig, and Xeno Extractor.
Upgrading these structures will increase their production rate and as a result will allow you to have much more resources at your disposal. These factories will keep operating even if you are not around and they will only stop their operations once the maximum storage has been reached.
b. You can also earn resources by sending your army to attack wildernesses or even by stealing from another player's colony.

8. Lacking Research Points (RP)?

You can increase the RP production rate by upgrading the Research Lab or training more Research Ships.
You can do this within the Air Fleet Core (For Gaians) / Aviation Hub (For Zubens) / Exos Spires (For Neckrons).

9. You can train different units in three main buildings:

a. Barracks (For Gaians) / Combat Hungar (For Zubens) / Horde Port (For Neckrons)
b. Gaia Factory (For Gaians) / Warfare Bunker (For Zubens) / Hybrio Aptera (For Neckrons)
c. Air Fleet Core(For Gaians) / Aviation Hub (For Zubens) / Exos Spires (For Neckrons)

10. Commanders

Commanders are important to lead your army as well as command your colonies. You can manage your commander in the Barracks (For Gaians) / Combat Hungar (For Zubens) / Horde Port (For Neckrons).

Commander Type provides you with a general idea of their special ability and It is separated into the following two criteria:
a. Talent:

(Includes attack, defense, and influence.)
An extra bonus point will be added for each point that is assigned to their value stats.

b. Unit Type:

(Including Infantry, Vehicle, and Air Ship.)
Commander provides a boost to morale when leading a unit consisting of a particular unit type.

Note: Battle Commander must be assigned to be the army leader in order to boost the morale in the battle. You can do this when you are setting up or editing the army in the Core Control (For Gaian)/ Dictum Nave (For Zubens)/ Nerve Center (For Neckrons);

Influence Commander must be assigned to be the colony commander in order to boost the resources production. You can assign commander to be the colony commander in your main base.

11. Wish to build a new colony?

You need to satisfy the following criteria first:

a. If your current Colony Limit has been reached then you may increase this limit through upgrades under the Overall Research tab in the Research Lab.
b. The target location must be an empty colony.
c. You must have a formed army that contains a Tactical Port (For Gaians) / Crucio Pith (For Zubens) / Zatar (For Neckrons) station in the target location.

If you're in any doubt about what you need to do during your time playing Exoplanet please refer to our wiki or forum which will give you a more in depth answer. Alternatively, feel free to ask in the chat room where fellow players and our GM's will be on hand to answer your queries.

Go Get'em Commander!


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Ninja Hattori


  • Kanzo Hattori (ハットリ カンゾウ or 服部 貫蔵, Hattori Kanzou) (voice: Junko Hori, drama actor: Kōtoku Nomura, drama voice: Kazuo Imakura, live-action film actor: Shingo Katori), aka Hattori-kun, is the protagonist of the series, a little ninja. He is 11 years old and 40 kg and is 140 cm tall. He is the boy who usually contests Kemumaki when he does pranky things. Hattori's main weakness is that he is afraid of frogs; this often leads him into trouble. He wears blue coloured ninja robes. In the Teletoon version of the show, he was renamed Kanko Hattori. Hattori says the moral of the episode in the Teletoon version. Also, he is afraid of lizards than frogs. He always tells what a good ninja always does when he does some of his actions in some episodes and likes meddling in his friends business.

  • Shinzo Hattori (ハットリ シンゾウ or 服部 心蔵, Hattori Shinzou) (voice: Yūko Mita, drama actor: Shigeki Nakajō), aka Shin-chan, is Kanzo's younger brother. A good point to note is that while Kanzo is referred to as "Hattori", Shinzo is usually called by his regular name. He uses weapons made from wood. He is a ninja-in-training who learns to be a good ninja, like Kanzo. He wears red coloured ninja robes. In the Teletoon version, he was renamed Shinny Hattori. Shinny seems to have a good heart and sticks being loyal to his brother and sometimes gets excited when others are excited. Some of the times, Shinzo tricks Hattori to giving him things.

  • Shishimaru (獅子丸) (voiced by Kenichi Ogata) is a ninja dog living with Ken'ichi, who came along with Kanzo Hattori and Shinzo Hattori. He is the light-headed dog who, along with Shinzo, winds up doing pranky things. His fur color is yellow. In the Teletoon version, he was renamed Onion and Lil' Romeo provided his voice.

  • Ken'ichi Mitsuba (三葉 ケン一, Mitsuba Kenichi) (voice: Masako Sugaya, drama actor: Katsumi Takamiya, live-action film actor: Yuri Chinen) is a regular boy who goes to elementary school and does poor with his studies. He dates Yumeko, however Kemumaki is always after her. In the Teletoon version, he was named Kenny Smith and had a passion for Mets. He speaks in a heavy Japanese accent in the English version.

  • Tsubame (ツバメ) (voice: Fuyumi Shiraishi), aka Tsubame-ko, a kunoichi and classmate of Hattori-kun. She loves Hattori and always wishes to marry him. She has a dislike for Ken'ichi, Shinzo, Shishimaru, Kemumaki and Kagekiyo. She wears pink coloured ninja robes. In the Teltoon version, she was renamed as Kanka Hattiri. Calls Skoka "soda", Kenny "kluts", Whiskers "whimper", Onion "octopus" and Shinny "snizball". Hattiri seems to own a recorder, a clarinet, a flute, a piccolo and a bassoon, five woodwind instruments.

  • Kemuzou Kemumaki (ケムマキ・ケムゾウ, Kemumaki Kemuzou) (voice: Kaneta Kimotsuki, live-action film actor: Gorie) is the antagonist of Ninja Hattori-kun. He, along with his cat Kagekiyo Kemuzou, always are the ones who cause trouble. He competes with Ken'ichi for Yumiko-chen; however when he uses one of his ninja techniques in order to win, Kanzo usually steps in to save the day. He wears green colored ninja robes. In the Teletoon version, he was renamed as Skoka Sawyer. Skoka's voice seems to be similar to a Beavis-like matter but without the bad puns or the rudeness. Skoka seems to call Whiskers a "pathetic excuse for a cat" when he gets angry and usually yells at him or conks his head. 

  • Kagechiyo (影千代) (voice: Eiko Yamada) is an animal-ninja of the Koga-ryu, Kagekiyo is the helping antagonist of Ninja Hattori. Usually Kemumaki gives a big task in his plans for Kagekiyo to carry out, but he foils it. He is seen to have an enmity of Shishimaru. His fur color is black. In the Teletoon version, he was renamed as Whiskers, Skoka's companion. In the 2009 revival of the show, his design changed to a look similar to Doreamon's. Also, his voice is similar to that of Snarf from Thundercats. He suffers the same accident as Joker did which caused them their permanent grins but Whiskers can make his grin a frown sometimes, especially when he makes Skoka angry. Usually, Whiskers says "I didn't know" twice when Skoka's plot backfires. 

  • Yumeko Kawai (河合 夢子, Kawai Yumeko) (voice: Runa Akiyama), aka Yumeko-chan, is the girl who usually causes disputes between Kemumaki Kemuzou and Ken'ichi Misoba. She is a girl who attends the same elementary school as the two, and she is also the one who causes most of the problems of the plot. In the Teletoon version, she was renamed Lily Cherryblossom. Lily seems to be in touch with Hattori some of the times. Lily sees Hattori as a little brother and Hattiri as a little sister.